This command turns off High Precision Event Timer (HPET). I was playing different games through the night, after I disabled HPET and I can tell you that everything works fine. I believe this should work for Windows /8 Users as well, but I am not sure for %, because I am using Windows HPET (англ. High Precision Event Timer, таймер событий высокой точности) — тип таймера, используемый в персональных компьютерах. Совместно разработан Intel и Microsoft, и стал внедряться в чипсеты персональных компьютеров с года. By default Windows 7 uses different timers in the CPU to calculate stuff. HPET is the newest and best of these timers, but because of default combination of timers it takes longer time for CPU to keep up all the timers Forcing Windows to use HPET only improves performance and leads to greater FPS.